Feature work
During the three months we worked together, we made a realistic estimate of the economic benefits of Interactive’s previous major projects that have revolutionized Mongolia’s e-government, such as the Electronic Tax System and the EITI system, and disseminated the data.
In addition, we have launched a media and event awareness campaign to enhance the reputation and reputation of Interactive’s management.
Interactive’s growing reputation as the company’s largest product and VERITECH ERP as a creative technology solution was unveiled at ITEXPO as the “Smart Shop” technology concept was the technology that attracted the most media attention during the event.
The free distribution of case studies on 22 channels, which showed the benefits of Interactive’s information technology projects and programs, was an important impetus for the company to become a leader in IT brand creation through its intellectual work.
The report on Smart Store technology at ICT Expo was published on News.mn, Gogo.mn, Trends.mn, and Bloombergtv.mn, which are among the top 10 most visited websites, which introduced the daily use of Veritech ERP technology to the public.
During the cooperation period, the reputation and recognition of the company’s directors has increased dramatically, and the number of VERITECH ERP system customers has increased by one.