
Орчин цагт цоо шинэ дэг тавилт, өнгө төрх, найруулгатайгаар УДЭТ-н тайзнаа 3 дахь удаагаа эргэн ирсэн Ромео Жульетта жүжгийн нээлтийг сурталчлах, орчин үеийн залуусын дунд драмын сонгодог урлагийг орчин үеийн нийгмийн утга агуулгаар хүргэх, жүжгийн сурталчилгааны цар хүрээ тоо давтамжийг нэмэгдүүлж, УДЭТ-ын нэр хүндийг өсгөх,...

With the initiative of SIGO, East Maven won a tender to conduct occupational safety and health (OSH) nationwide to win a tender for preventive training and advocacy to support businesses in introducing occupational accident and safety management systems and improving performance and monitoring. Featured work In order...

Feature work Reaching out to all media outlets that cover the world of film and entertainment, he took advantage of the young artists who starred in the film to spread the word about the film's pre-release activism. At the same time, the social media page focused...

EMPR worked with the CEO Club in Mongolia for six months in 2014 to support media relations. Feature work A major media campaign was launched to raise the voices of business directors on political decisions and participation that affect the private sector. Expand the club's membership under the...