/Ulaanbaatar, 21.01.2020/ East Maven has been selected as a consultancy firm to design and launch a national campaign publicising gender equality in Mongolia under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) administrated (MON TA9750) project funded by Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction.
Mongolia has a comprehensive gender legislative framework, but enforcement remains inadequate, of which one of the determinants is strong gender stereotypes prevailing in all spheres of society, according to ADB.
The national campaign, scheduled to run between 2020-2021, will support National Committee on Gender Equality and Mongolian civil society to push gender equality forward as a key development agenda by directly addressing gender-specific barriers and hindrances to men and women’s progress in society and economy. East Maven will develop a national and ultimately, a local-level communication strategy to sensitize the public on gender stereotypes/biases that reinforce gender inequalities and publicize the gender equality law to the general public.